Sunday, October 13, 2013

Study Session...or weekend

Do you have that one thing that helps you focus? That you turn to when you have to get work done, study, lock yourself away and come out with a masterpiece? For me there are three things that I can jump between when I need to get down to business.

  • Harry Potter movies
  • Law & Order SVU
  • Classical music
Weirdest combination of things, right? 

I'm not so great with silence. Thus libraries have never been my lock-in when I've had a major test or paper coming up. I need mindless chatter, enter the harry potter movies and SVU. Don't get me wrong, I am a child of the 90's and love all things HP, but it's because of this love that I can do so well with it on in the background. I know this plot line backwards, forwards, inside and out (I'm a hufflepuff in Pottermore, do you know your house?). But despite knowing it quite well, I still don't get bored with it. I can have it playing and know that I have something in that I enjoy, I know, but it doesn't distract me.

SVU is simply that it's always on in marathons and however many hundred episodes are on netflix for instant streaming. You can put it in and let it go, never having to worry, and I've probably seen the episode already anyways.

But classical music has always been there. It's something that I find relaxing, stimulating, captivating and enchanting. There is nothing to really distract me with and take away my focus, so I can let it play while I let my fingers type pages and pages of assignments.

So this weekend, despite it being fall break (which I didn't realize until I logged onto the Library homepage for external sources) I locked myself away with my dog in my apartment to plow through a long list of homework assignments. The next few weeks are going to be quite chaotic and I didn't want to fall behind or worry about deadlines. I made a pretty good dent in the work load AND managed to finish all of the harry potter series, bake cookies, spend some quality time with my pup, and build some furniture. Talk about productivity at its finest! I still have quite a few assignments to go, but I know I'm ahead of the game, so I don't have to stress quite as much! 

*EDIT: You know whats the greatest? When Classical for Studying Radio plays HP songs every other song. Pandora really does know me.

What do you do? 


  1. I love listening to classical music while I’m studying or writing papers. People think I am weird when I do it, but it is amazing and I don’t know why, but it pumps me up to do homework through there. Something that I have wanted to do for a while is watch Breaking Bad. However, I have told myself that I am going to wait it out to start the last season because I am going to dedicate a whole day of watching Breaking Bad. However, I do want to cave so badly, but I think I have the willpower to wait it out to have a whole day to waste away on Breaking Bad.

  2. I really admire the diverse array of things with which you amuse yourself during homework haha. More seriously though, I am in awe of how productive you were during your fall break, and wish (to some extent) that I could focus so intently on any one task for that long a period of time. I suppose that having a cute dog around doesn't hurt things.

  3. HP fan.High five!!! I still remember how excited I was when I was in the middle school and high school to wait and get the newest HP book. Every time a new book came out, it was like a holiday for me! And remember I sadly I was when the last HP movie ended. At that moment, I felt like my whole childhood was official over. :(
